2025 Net Match Play Championship Jan-May
Dates: |
One tuesday in each month will have assinged tee times for the matches.
Please try to play your match that day.
If you cannot, it will be your responsibility to reschedule
and get the results of the match to the Tournament Director.
If the match is played on a Tuesday, leave the card in the yellow box with the winner clearly identified.
Otherwise, have both players send an email to the Tournament Director.
| Format: | Individual Match Play (hole by hole) |
Pairings: |
Round 0 will be a blind draw of all the entries. There will be no byes.
A no-show in Round 0 will be replaced with an entry from the wait list
and the match re-scheduled.
The winner of each Round 0 match will be in the Championship bracket.
The loser of each Round 0 match will be in the Consolation bracket.
Pairings for both brackets will be based on the same random numbers used in Round 0 pairing.
There may be byes depending on the number of entries.
Entry Form
Past Champions
2024 Pete Moore 2023 Reynaldo Valdez 2022 Jim Pyle 2021 Reynaldo Valdez 2020 Tim McLaughlin 2019 Joel Clay 2018 Mark Mahler 2017 Larry Rentler 2016 Les Wade 2015 Mike Nielson 2014 Josh Heptig 2013 Ray Jackson 2012 Doug Bugni 2011 Nancy Tharp 2010 Earle Vaughan 2009 Les Wade 2008 Don Albin
Tees: |
Play your regular (elected) tee box,
unless there is mutual agreement to a different tee arrangement.
Default club tees are men white tees
and women gold tees.
Entry Fee: | $20 No refunds after matches have begun. |
Deadline: | Completion of Round 0
Field size is 64. Additional entries will be on a wait list. |
Handicaps |
Current handicaps on day of play will be used.
Opponents pop off the lower handicap player.
Low handicap golfer plays to a "0".
High handicap golfer plays to the difference of the two handicaps.
- Player A is a 12
- Player B is a 10
- Player A gets TWO POPS
- Pops are applied based on the hole's handicap. Player A would get the 2 pops
on the two hardest holes (handicap 1 and 2).
Ties |
If the match is even after 18 holes, players return to the 1st hole.
Play starts at 1st hole and continues (2nd hole, 3rd, etc)
until either player has won a hole, thus deciding the match.
The same handicap strokes apply.
Putting Order |
If the match is being played in a group where the other 1 or 2 players are not in a
match, the match players MUST putt out first.
Rules Questions | Refer any rules questions to our Rules Chair.
It is suggested you brush up on the rules for match play.
Posting Scores |
All match play scores must be posted. Matches played on designated days will
be posted for you.
The match is won when one player leads by a number of holes greater than the number remaining to be played.
A player may pick up their ball when a hole has been conceded.
Record your most likely score for handicap purpose.
If a player is closed out and both play the balance of the round, the reported score
should be net par or lower, based on the score achieved on each of the final holes.
If a player chooses to not keep playing, then the recorded score is net par for the unplayed holes.
Entry Form