Morro Bay  GC

Tee Box Policy

The Club default tees for men are the white tees and for women are the gold tees.

Electing An Alternate Tee

Members may elect to play any one of the four tee boxes (gold, white, blue, black) as their regular tees.

You may change your regular tee box one time during a 12 month period by notifying the Tournament Chairman at least two days before switching to the new tee box (e.g., send email). The change is effective once you receive confirmation from the Tournament Chairman.

There is a three month trial period for the initial election to change your regular tee box. You can switch back to the Club default tees by contacting the Tournament Chairman.

Members who have elected alternate tees are listed on the website.

Weekly Games

Play your regular tee box unless the game description provides for a different tee box (e.g., “Gold Tees” games, or “Open Tee Box” games).


Closest to the Pin competition: All players are eligible.

Low Gross Score competition: Men playing from the gold (or forward) tees will not be eligible to win low gross (exception - when the game is played from the gold tees).

Special Events

Tee boxes for the special events are specified in the details for the event.

2006-2025 Morro Bay Golf Club