Morro Bay  GC

NCGA Four-Ball Net

Entry Form

Our NCGA Qualifier Tournament will be held Tuesday, February 20 with a rain date of Tuesday, February 27

Our club can sponsor up to 3 teams for the NCGA Annual Four-Ball Net Championship (Two-Person Best Ball).:

  • Less than 8 teams, the event may be canceled
  • 8-10 teams entered and we will sponsor 1 team
  • 11-13 teams entered and we will sponsor 2 teams
  • 14 or more teams entered and we will sponsor 3 teams

Key Dates

Sectional Qualifying:    4/17-4/25

Sectional Sites: Winning teams may choose from the following locations (teams do not have to choose the same site):

Ancil Hoffman
April 25 (Thurs)
Coyote Creek GC
April 25 (Thurs)
Del Monte GC
April 25 (Thurs)
Hunter Ranch GC
April 18 (Thurs)
Metropolitan GL
April 24 (Wed)
Reserve at Spanos Park GC
April 24 (Wed)
Sunnyside CC
April 18 (Thurs)
Championship Dates:     May 20,21 ( Mon-Tues )
Championship Site: Poppy Hills

Morro Bay Golf ClubTeam Qualifier

Format Two-person Best Ball
Winners The top team(s) advance to the Sectional Qualifier. The next places will be alternates in order of finish.
  • Our qualifier will be held Tuesday, February 20 , with regular play.
  • Rain date Tuesday, February 27
  • Entry Deadline: Monday 12 Noon, February 13
  • Late entries accepted if space available
Tees Members play from their regular tee box (as defined under the club Tee Box Policy). Consult the tournament chair if you wish to play other tees.
  • Current handicaps will be used
  • All players on our roster with valid indexes are eligible.
  • Men must play to a maximum index of 18.4
  • Women must play to a maximum index of 25.4
  • For the qualifier, playing handicap will be 85% of the course handicap.
  • Entry fee: $30 per person, $60 per team.
  • Entry fee does not include entry in game of the day.
  • The monies collected in the qualifier will be applied to the cost of playing in the NCGA tournament. The NCGA entry fees is $320 per team. The entry fees includes all greens fees.
  • The qualifying teams will be responsible for their own travel costs. Any extra money received in the qualifier entry fees will be used to offset winning teams' travel costs
  • The entry fees paid by our club cover greens fees, but not cart fees.
Tee Times Tee times will be assigned and posted on our website or you can call the Tournament Chair.
Tournament Chair Margaret Breen
Phone: 805-556-0755

If you need a partner or have any questions please contact the Tournament Chair and we will try to pair you up.

NCGA link will open in a new window

NCGA Player Handbook

2006-2024 Morro Bay Golf Club