Morro Bay  GC

More Information on our Procedures for Weekly Play

Full details for our events (Club Championship, Match Play, Eclectics and NCGA Qualifiers) are contained in the event descriptions.

Click on the Show/Hide button to see the details for topics of interest

Show Scorecards and Posting Scores
Show Incomplete Team - Participation in Team Games
Show Incomplete Rounds
Show Unfinished Holes - When to Pick Up and How to Score
Show Tiebreakers
Show Scramble Game Rules
Hide Hole In One

Any member having a Hole In One on a club play day or other club event will receive a monetary award of $100 from the Club, a plaque on the appropriate tee box. and the information will be added to our yearly highlights.

In order to recieve this you must log onto our website and complete the Hole In One form including the names of witness(es).

If you want to buy drinks for club members you will need to notify the bar that you will pay for drinks from your account and submit your credit card number to the bar.

2006-2024 Morro Bay Golf Club